Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ode to my cell phone...

so last week i had to retire my old cell phone... a tragedy. we call it our marriage phone because i've had it almost the entire duration of our marriage!

so, in honor of my dearly departed cell, here are some of my FAVORITE photos from the last 2+ years. sorry - there's a ton of photos, but... at least i didn't post ALL of the photos on my phone!!!! :)

this is the funniest thing I've ever seen at DI. :) i really, REALLY wanted to buy it... but it just didn't go with our home decor. :) heh...

This is my awesome Dark Mark that I drew to go with my Bellatrix Lestrange costume for Halloween. :)

The insurance agent whose office was next door to our first apartment... what an unfortunate last name, eh? How exactly do you pronounce it?

Chris and his first true love... :)

We did this to my dad while he was taking a nap on our couch... my sister and I grabbed our nail polish, and attacked his toes. :) hee!

This is one thing I learned during my internship the summer after we got married.... I had very little to do during the internship, so one thing I taught myself was to french braid my hair. *sigh* useful, eh?

Sadie is possibly the most hilarious, adorable dog ever. :) How can you not love this face??

My husband sure is sexy, eh? He and Patrick Dempsey make a lovely couple. :)

A freakin awesome hat I tried on in Alaska!

Another Alaska pic - this is a moose (duh), in the middle of a grocery store parking lot. hee!

There was a chapel made entirely out of ice in Alaska... and I decided to try it out... (no, I'm not actually licking it)

Before we moved from our apartment at Appletree, I wrote this on the inside of our closet door near the floor... just so we could leave a little of ourselves there. :) I'm hoping that the current tenants find it and continue the tradition!

Our little baby chicks - before they grew HUGE and started laying yummy eggs!!! :) The one on the left had a "blocked vent" - basically, poo had solidified over its poo-hole so it couldn't poo. :( We performed "surgery" and she actually survived! We're amazing. :)

First photo, the first day in our new house!!!!

Little puppy Ellie, on the drive home after my parents bought her. :) SO CUTE!!! (note: she peed on my lap, and also in the back window of the car before we got home... heehee)

Although you probably can't read it, this stick note says "Design Something." It was from my graphic design job - my advisor left this for me when she was absent for a few days. Seriously?!?! Design "SOMETHING"?!? What the heck?! A poster? Sticker? Place mat? Brochure? Ridiculous.

And my personal favorite... this is Chris and I, applying for our marriage license. :) AWWWWW!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are GREAT - what fun! Can't choose a favorite but I especially like the one of your Dad's pedicure ... nice!