Tuesday, June 30, 2009

please read this!!!

if any of you reading this post love me at all, please read THIS story. joshua bell, stradivarius-playing extraordinaire widely recognized as one of the top musicians in the world, stood in a d.c. subway station in regular street clothes for 43 minutes and played some of the most beautiful music written for violin on one of the most incredible violins in the world. PLEASE read the story - you'll be so glad you did.

what i would give to be at that station that morning.


The Alaska Coyles said...

Kathryn, Where is the link to the story??? :>)

random stuff said...

it's on the word "THIS" - you have to roll your mouse over it to see the underline and know it's a hyperlink. :)

Kristen and Andrew said...

holy cow - i just cried reading this story and watching the videos! how unbelievable!